by reason of the great sweetness they felt in contemplation, they even forgot the need of bodily refreshment.
All riches, dignities, honors, friends, and kinsfolk they renounced.† They desired to have nothing which pertained to the world; they scarcely took things necessary for the sustenance of life; they grieved to serve their bodies even in necessity. Therefore they were poor in earthly things, but rich exceedingly in grace and virtues.† Outwardly they were destitute, but inwardly they were refreshed with grace and divine consolation.
To the world they were strangers, but near and familiar friends to God.† They seemed to themselves as nothing, and to this present world despicable; but they were precious and beloved in the eyes of God. They stood firm in true humility, lived in simple obedience, walked in love and patience; and therefore they profited daily in the Spirit, and obtained great favor with God.
They were given for an example to all men. And they should more provoke us to profit well, than the number of the lukewarm make us remiss.
Oh, how great was the fervor of the apostles in the beginning of their holy institution! How great was the devotion of their prayer! How great